Shop Thursday 9.00am - 5.00pm

Traditional Quality Beef and Lamb straight from the heart of Hertfordshire

  • 01992 552 900

  • Save the date…..Open Farm Sunday 12th June 2022

    Vis­it our farm on LEAF Open Farm Sun­day, 12th June 2022 and find out about the sto­ry behind our food and how farm­ing affects our every­day lives. Activ­i­ties range from machin­ery dis­plays, trac­tor and trail­er rides, through to demon­stra­tions, farm walks, milking demos, hog roast, craft & food stalls and so much more!

    If you are a local craft, food or drink producer, we have stalls available from 11am – 3pm. If interested please contact


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